October 2020 archive

Proven Strategies To Improve Efficiency

Increasing efficiency in business can contribute to better customer service, improved employee morale and a healthier bank balance. If you’re searching for ways to make your company more efficient, here are some strategies to try today.


4 Lessons That 2020 Taught Start-ups

As 2019 drew to a close, nobody knew there was a looming pandemic waiting to take the world on a downward spiral. The year 2020 did make a massive entrance with the outbreak of the Coronavirus, and it came with a lot of changes and damages.  The economic impact of COVID-19 is so severe that Statista forecasted only 2.4% of GDP growth for the entire world. This means that regardless of their size, businesses worldwide have truly been impacted by this pandemic – especially start-ups. Here are some lessons this year has taught start-ups.


How To Stand Out On A Modern High Street

Standing out has always been crucial to businesses. There will almost always be some sort of competition for you to face, and this has only gotten more intense in the digital age. Of course, though, while it might be hard, you have to make sure that you are noticed by potential customers if they’re going to spend money with you. To help you out with this, this post will be exploring some of the steps that can be taken to make sure that you are able to stand out with a store on a modern high street.


Why You’re Experiencing So Much Inventory Waste

For any retail or eCommerce business, one of the most widespread causes of loss is that of poorly managed inventory. When items go missing, get damaged, spoil, or otherwise become impossible to sell, it’s a direct hit to your business’s budget. Here, we’re going to look at some of the major causes of this inventory loss, as well as what you can do about it.


How and Where to Spend Money in Your Business’s Early Days

When your business is young and there’s still a long way for you to go, it’s important to be very careful about how you spend money. Money has to be spent to get your business off the ground and give it a chance of surviving in those first few months. But you don’t want to waste money on things that aren’t really needed and aren’t completely essential to the early growth of your business. Find out more about this below.


Using Data To Give Your Online Business A Boost

Given how competitive the online world can be, it should be no surprise that you might want to use any advantage at your disposal. There might be a big one that you have been overlooking and it’s all around you online. We’re talking about data. Data gets submitted to and shared with businesses in a lot of ways, whether it’s provided by the customer directly or sifted from how they use your website or engage you on social media. Here, we’re looking at how to actually make use of that data.


Some Golden Rules for Street Marketing

There’s no shortage of ways to market your business. Word of mouth, networking, on the online world; in this day and age, there are a plethora of options available. One of the methods that are fun and effective, yet oddly underused, is street marketing. This is the process of taking your business to the streets for a day or two and engaging with potential customers on a face-to-face basis. You’ll have a stand with information about your business, and people will come up to learn more. It’s a simple but effective method.


Digital Marketing Tips For Entrepreneurs

Digital marketing, and all its parts, like SEO, social media, email, and content creation, is essential for any start-up business to nail. Digital marketing is needed to reach a larger audience than you might be able to through more traditional means of marketing. That’s especially important for small businesses. You can use it to engage with new prospects, turn prospects into leads, and convert leads into loyal customers.


Ways You Can Make Your Social Media Account Stand Out From The Crowd

Social media is a phenomenon that has taken over the entire planet. People use it for fun, for business reasons, or to find out all kinds of news and current events. It used to be a selection of platforms that allow people to be ‘social’ from afar or to show off what they’ve done throughout their lives. It’s now so much more than that as it acts as an information hub for most people in the world. Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram are all so very popular with people all over the globe and allow people to communicate with consummate ease.


Knowledge, Power, and Skills: What Every Entrepreneur Needs

Learning how to succeed in business was, once upon a time, about having one skill and being amazing at it. If you are savvy when it comes to managing your finances, it is certainly something that will serve you well, but now we live in an age where skills are numerous and varied. It’s driving trends in employment and how we view the job of being an entrepreneur. Being dynamic and adaptable are far more beneficial skills than learning one-note approaches to building up a company. This is where an entrepreneur needs to have a roster of resources at their disposal, but also possess crucial skills, such as the following…


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