Posts Tagged ‘Startup Tips’

What Should You Cover In The Content Of Your Contracts?

When you started your online business, employment might not have crossed your mind. That’s stuff for the big businesses, isn’t it? You’re just doing your thing and finding your own financial path. And, for as long as a few years, that might have served you well.

But, there may come a stage when you can’t avoid employment any longer. Before you roll your eyes, consider that this is a good thing. If you need to take someone else onboard, it’s a sure sign your business is soaring. And, isn’t that what all entrepreneurs want?


Speed Up Your Business with These Improvements

In the business world, speed is of increasing importance. We live in a world where everything is instant. We expect to log on to a website and have all the information we need straight away, we can order goods online and have them with us within a few hours, and we’re getting used to it. We’ve become impatient, and we want things to happen fast. If you run a small sales business, it can be hard to keep up with the bigger companies offering super-fast service and 2-hour delivery windows. But, if you want to do well, it’s essential that you do your best. Here are some improvements that you can make to speed up your business.


Things You Must Do Before Founding a Startup

If you’re about to increase the freedom you have in your working life by starting your own business – congratulations. So many people would love to do what you’re doing but they simply do not have the guts to move forward and actually quit their job for a leap into the unknown.


Surviving the First Five Years in Business

Starting your own business can be daunting. Even if you’re brimming with entrepreneurial spirit. A big reason for that is down to the stark fact that roughly 80 percent of new businesses fail in the first year and half will be out of business by the time the five-year mark rolls around – that’s pretty scary! Imagine pouring all of your hopes, dreams, and money into a new company that folds soon after – no one wants that!

The good news is that although many startups fail, there are still many who do not. If you can make it through those first few years, you have a very good chance of still being in business 10, 20 even 30 years down the line. Not only that, but there are lots of things you can do to tip the odds in your favor. Helping you get through those early years a little easier.


Tips On Taking Card Payments At Your Business

taking card payments

Nowadays, customers expect to have as many payment options available to them as possible. Gone are the days when businesses only accepted cash. If you do this now, you come across as outdated, and you frustrate your customers. Plus, you will lose out on a number of customers too. With that in mind, read on to discover some useful tips to help you get started with accepting card payments at your company.


Keeping Up With the Competition: Getting Ahead in Your Small Business

As a smaller, new business it can be difficult to keep up. Customers tend to like shopping with bigger companies or brands they have used before, as they know they’re likely to have a good experience, and any issues will be put right quickly. It can be difficult to encourage them to take a chance on you, however there are things you can do to put the odds in your favour. Here’s how you can keep up with your more established competition.


How Start A Profitable Blog: Simple Steps To Take Today

profitable blog

You’ve probably heard about the bloggers that have made a career out of their blog. Some claim to be earning twice the amount than they would at their regular nine to five job. You’ve also probably wondered how they have achieved such success. And how you can actually make money from starting your own blog. The short answer is yes, it’s more than possible to quit your nine to five and start a profitable job, and here’s how.


Should You Take The Wheel In Your Employment Drive?

When it comes to employment, the majority of entrepreneurs take a pretty passive role. In most cases, employment involves nothing more than advertising a position and seeing who applies. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with this method. You’ll likely find some fantastic staff this way. But, given you’ve started your business from the ground, taking a backseat in employment doesn’t make sense. What’s more, you’ll likely have to go through a lot of bad applications before finding good ones.


From Startup Store To Successful Start In 4 Steps

startup store

Having a shop, like a physical shop, one you can waltz into and buy tidbits from, was once considered a massive advantage. It was the only way a retail brand could be successful. But that’s all changed. Nowadays, the biggest success stories are the ones that burst onto the scene through the internet; the ones that new the future was all about e-commerce.

This is a contributed post. Please refer to my disclosure for more information.

Amazon, ASOS, Mr Porter, Pretty Little Thing and all these massive brands that began as nothing more than a dot-com idea. But the really good news is, well, the e-commerce explosion isn’t showing any signs of slowing down. Of course, you can only hope to see results if you approach this opportunity the right way.

To help you with this, we put our brain cells together and came up with some top tips and bits of advice to ensure your venture into the realm of e-commerce is as a successful as your dreams hope it to be:


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