Posts Tagged ‘Startup Tips’

Common Networking Mistakes You Need to Stop Making

No matter what stage in your career you are at, marketing is pivotal. No matter whether you are starting your first online business or your company has been up and running for several years now, you need to make the most of all leads that present themselves. The Internet has changed the face of networking. If you are to master this important art and take your online business to the next level, you need to make sure you avoid the common mistakes that a lot of people make, which are covered in further detail below…

This is a contributed post. Please refer to my disclosure for more information.


The Secret To Making Money Online (Hint- It’s All About Keeping Your Customers Happy)

making money online

Most businesses making money online are selling a product. That’s either directly as a service or physical item, or indirectly by providing interesting content which then attracts paid advertising.  

At some point in the chain there is a customer who needs to be kept happy. After all, without those valuable (and loyal) customer, your business can’t succeed.

With that in mind, check out the guide below on how to up your customer service performance and keep your business thriving.


How To Start A Part Time Online Business Whilst On Maternity Leave

part time online business

I’d always had the urge to start my own business.

When I was on maternity leave, that urge became so strong, I made the leap. I left my well paid, full time job, and jumped into the unknown.

Whilst it’s been one of the best decisions I have ever made, it hasn’t been plain sailing. So I wanted to use this blog post to give you some honest thoughts about what it’s like to run a business when you’re on maternity leave (or simply when you have a young family), and how to go about starting your own part time business.


How To Come Up With The Perfect Startup Business Idea

startup business idea

Since starting my business, THE most important thing I’ve learned so far is this:

An OK idea with a fantastic execution is far better than a GREAT idea with an OK execution. 

Traditional startup philosophy starts with the assumption that a successful business is down to having an original idea. And if we look at some of the successful startups in past decades, that seems to ring true, doesn’t it? I mean, who wouldn’t have wanted to be the one to have thought of the idea for Facebook, for example?

But is this really true? Let’s challenge this assumption for a minute.


A Simple And Smart Way To Test Out Your Business Startup Idea

business startup idea

So, you’ve got a great business startup idea. What’s next? Well, common advice about launching a startup is to spread the word as much as you possibly can prior to the big day. But what I’m going to explain in this blog post is why that approach could be a mistake, and I’m going to suggest a pretty strange alternative strategy but one that can be very effective. It involves a bit of help from your closest friends.


Inspiring entrepreneurial women series – Ellie

inspiring entrepreneurial women

315380_10151003421656067_2142316614_nIn the second of my series interviewing female entrepreneurs who’ve taken that big step of starting their own business, I spoke to Ellie, Director of Ellie also has a blog at talking about her journey to self-employment. You can also find Ellie on twitter as @EllieExhibition, and she has a list on there (inspiration) outlining the seminars and workshops she attends.


Entrepreneurs: Do This One Task Today To Help Your Business Succeed

business succeed

One of the best things you can do to help your business succeed is to form a network online with other business women. I’m part of one, and it’s probably helped to grow my business more than anything else. On top of that, having peers to talk to about your fears, hopes and dreams is something that is invaluable during moments in your business where things do seem difficult or challenging.


How Much Does A New Website Cost? A Quick Guide

new website cost

If you are currently writing a budget for your startup and wondering: how much does a new website cost? here is some data for you. I have broken it down into the three most common options available to new startups.

It’s worth noting: this is based on my own previous experience working in agencies and drafting quotes for new clients.. Hopefully, a behind-the-scenes glance into how these things are calculated will arm you with a bit of knowledge before you approach your own shortlisted suppliers.

This is a contributed post. Please refer to my disclosure for more information


Here’s An Easy Competitive Advantage That Most Startups Miss

competitive advantage

When thinking about competitive advantage, perhaps something as corporate sounding as pre-sales doesn’t come to mind. But excellent pre-sellling is vital to master for your business, and here’s why:

Most service businesses do it badly

So think of pre-sales this way. If you can master customer excellence, you immediately have a competitive advantage.

But what makes a great customer experience during the pre-sales phase? Here’s a guide to the most important factors you need to consider:


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