Top Business Ideas for Busy Mums Who Want to Work From Home

The pandemic has caused a lot of chaos over the course of the last 18 months, and nobody has felt the kick of it quite like the ladies. It is estimated that over 5.4 million women lost jobs during the course of the Covid crisis. And from the looks of things, these jobs will not be back anytime soon. So, with this in mind, here are some of the best jobs for busy mums and women who have decided to work from home.

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Blogging and influencing are probably the top jobs that women want to go after when they work from home. And who can blame them? You can set your own hours, in charge of your content, and everything is your decision. As wonderful as it sounds, if you don’t have a plan in place, blogging can be an uphill struggle. One thing that you do need to remember is that social media should only be a tool to help your blog grow, your blog should not be on social media. Why? Because if social media don’t like what you are posting, they can delete your accounts. It is their platform and what they say goes. Always look into owning your own blog so you have total control.

Virtual Assistant

As blogging has grown into a multi-billion dollar industry, the need for assistants is on the rise. Being a VA is pretty much the same as a regular assistant, but instead of being at the office, you can work from home using one of these Voip Plans. What you are expected to do can vary, however, being in charge of the social media pages tends to fall into the area of expertise. You will also be expected to answer emails and make phone calls, arrange appointments, and help keep the schedule running smoothly. Sometimes, there can be blurred lines of what is acceptable, such as managing personal matters, but this can be avoided by making your required duties clear. You don’t need to look hard for these jobs, there are even dedicated websites to help connect assistants with potential employers. This is the perfect job if you are an organised person and like to keep everything in check.

Freelance writing

Working as a freelance writer is very different from blogging. For one thing, you have no control over what you will be writing about. There are deadlines that need to be met. However, if you prove to be good at what you do, you will never be short of work. There are a lot of freelance writers out there but there is also a big demand for their services. The internet is continuing to grow, and websites will always need new content. The great thing about freelance writing is you can do it anytime, anywhere. So once the kids are tucked up in bed or have headed off to school, you can pop online and make yourself some money. There are plenty of websites that you can use to help you get some paid work. Although you could always cut out the middleman and advertise your own services.

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